1. Open the Redragon mouse software and go to the “MAIN tab”
2. Choose the button you want to customize
3. Click the button and a menu list will appear
4. If the key that you want to bind is not in the list, choose single key for single key
command (i.e. [ENTER]) and Combo Key for key combination commands (i.e.
5. Click “Apply”
1. Open the Redragon mouse software and go to the “DPI tab”
2. Note that the mouse has 5 default profiles DPI1-DPI5. You can change the DPI settings up
to 16400 DPI of every profile of the mouse using this tab
3. Click “Apply”
1. Open the Redragon mouse software and go to the “Light tab”
2. Note that the mouse has 5 default profiles. You can change the Light settings from 16
million LED color options.
3. Click “Apply”